
Press Release OpenSouthCode 2024

OpenSouthCode 2024 returns with more technology, culture, and open collaboration from Málaga

The VI edition will take place on June 21 and 22 at La Térmica in Málaga.

The website offers more than 65 conferences, 12 workshops for children, music, and a booth area.

Admission is free, and attendees can contribute with a donation to the «Open Medicine to the World» project for open-source incubators for premature babies.


OpenSouthCode returns for its sixth edition on June 21 and 22, 2024, at La Térmica, the contemporary culture centre of the Provincial Council of Málaga. This event is renowned for its significant cultural and educational impact on an international level, made possible thanks to the support of Canonical Ubuntu, Fortris, and The Workshop.

Admission is free and open to the public, attracting those interested in technology and free culture. Over two days, programmers, designers, artists, and families will get together, as it did in the previous edition with 700 attendees. This event promotes inclusion, collaboration, and diversity by featuring over 65 conferences on technology and free culture, 12 free activities for children, music, and a booth area. OpenSouthCode encourages innovation and collaborative learning, strengthens the community, and promotes cultural tourism. It makes knowledge globally accessible by publicly sharing all content generated during the event on its YouTube channel.


OpenSouthCode begins on Friday, June 21, at 10:00 AM, in six rooms simultaneously. It will cover eight themes: culture, development, systems, hardware, web, security, business management, and children’s education. Thirty percent of the talks will be in English, and 20% will be led by women artists and technology professionals.

Among the speakers, whose agenda can be viewed at, more than 50% travel from other parts of Spain and Europe to reunite with the community on the Costa del Sol, Málaga. Notable topics include the impostor syndrome presented by Polish speaker Pawel Zajaczkowski, and the sustainability of the tech ecosystem with J. Manrique López de la Fuente, addressing concerns about the rapid pace of technology. Attendees will also learn about the state of open-source geospatial technologies with Raúl Aguilar, how to make 100,000 edits in a week on Wikipedia with Ignacio Casares, what can go wrong in free telecommunications with Laura Lacarra, and how to report a bug to Ubuntu with Miriam España from Granada.

There will also be opportunities to learn comic drawing with CSS with Álvaro Montoro, collaborative learning techniques with the young developer’s group GameDev Crafters, 2D game creation with Python Arcade with Miguel Ángel Rico, and video editing with free software in Paul Brown’s workshop.

Friday’s events will conclude with a networking session featuring sardine skewers and Cervezas Victoria beers, accompanied by live music starting at 8:00 PM, with prior registration and a donation to the «Open Medicine to the World» project, supporting open-source incubators for premature babies worldwide:

On Saturday, June 22, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, the talks will continue with the special OpenSouthKids session, where children aged 5 to 15 can participate in twelve activities on AI design, programming, video games, puzzles, 3D printing, submarine drones, and drawing. Attendance is free and open to all, but prior registration is recommended at

Viernes 21 de junio:

9:45 Bienvenida.

10:00-14:00h y de 16:00 a 20:00h Charlas y Talleres simultáneos.

18:00-20:00h Meetups comunidades tecnológicas.

20:30h Networking con Picoteo “Malaguita”, disc-jockey y grupo sorpresa.

Sábado 22 de junio:

10:00-14:00h Talleres OpenSouthKids para niñas y niños de 5 a 15 años: .

10:00-13:45h Charlas y Talleres simultáneas.

14:00 Cierre del evento.


¿Qué es OpenSouthCode?

OpenSouthCode es un evento no comercial organizado por voluntarios para la comunidad cuyo objetivo es promover el uso generalizado del Software Libre y de código/hardware abierto contribuyendo a su difusión, compartir experiencias y conocimientos, que tiene lugar en la ciudad de Málaga (España). Está entre los eventos de software más relevantes de Europa según Irontec y es cita obligada anual para el movimiento Open Source en el sur de Europa. La idea de OpenSouthCode se basa en Fosdem, una conferencia que lleva realizándose en Bruselas desde el 2000 con gran éxito internacional.

La organización se compone de personas que trabajan desde Málaga en diferentes empresas internacionales como Todocolección, Github (Microsoft), Google (Virus Total), Hispasec, Accenture Spain, Veturis Travel o Datadog, y que aportan su tiempo y dedicación voluntaria a difundir el software/hardware y cultura libre.

OpenSouthCode sigue el Código de Conducta Berlín (

Vídeo OpenSouthCode: 

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Mattermost: (Canal de comunicación)


Comunicación: Escarlata González 



